Our Home Communion Ministry is up & running each week that we have an Ordained Minister celebrate with us during

our Sunday Morning Worship Service and bless our Home Communion Kits. A Minister is available if you have a

loved one, or even if you yourself desire services in the community. Please let the church office know so that

plans can be made. We look forward in sharing the Word & Holy Communion with you! We continue to look

for anyone interested & willing to help out & be trained. Please inform Vince or Kathy of your interest.

​​​​​​​The Women of the Churchhave a mission & purpose & it is to serve as a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, & empowered by the Holy Spirit. The women commit themselves to grow in faith, affirm they gifts, support one another in their callings, engage in ministry & action, & promote healing & wholeness in the church, the society, & the work.​ Most importantly this is a group of women who love the Lord & each other & are working for Christ.

 The Sunday School & Vacation Bible School have been supported with donations, the Food Pantry has been 
supported with donations & Christmas Stockings with gift cards & other small gifts, blanket drives have been held, school kits & baby layettes have been collected, & help has been provided with whatever Lutheran World Relief is in need of. The women have also helped Indian reservations & L.A.M.P. Missionary Pilots in the past. They have hosted the National Day of Prayer in conjunction with other local churches. The women purchase or have made all of the altar paraments & linens & assist in other areas of the church. The women also ask that you save your box tops for education, soda tabs, & soup labels.

Please place them in the containers on the counter in the narthex.

The Women of the Church will be holding their next monthly meeting on Monday, November 4th, 2024, at 6PM.

Visitors are always welcome! Come on out & join them! 

The Women of the Church will be hosting our Coffee Hour on Sunday, November 10th following the Worship Service.

Our Prayer Ministry is ever so mindful that people may not be in the best health, or need some extra support & a

watchful eye. Our thoughts & prayers go with them every day in hopes that their lives may be fully enriched

through the spirit in which God can bless & keep them. We pray endlessly that these folks may experience

healing & grace from the Father, Spirit, & Son. Folks listed below have been identified as those that need

additional prayers. How they are related or known by our church members or friends is also listed next to

their names. This list is updated weekly. It is available at the back of the church in the narthex on a clipboard to be

modified or added to before names are read during the Prayers of The Church during Sunday Morning Worship Service.

Betty Lang (Church Member)
BettyAnn Rich-White (Church Member)
Chip Hand (Church Member)
Evie Coyle (Church Member)
Lynn Bargstadt (Church Member)
Frank Brunner (Church Member)
Audrey Kinka (Church Member)
Sharon Ford (Church Member)
Carol Amundsen (Church Family)
Kim McGinley (Church Family)
Joan Sommerman (Church Family)
The Family & Friends of Gary Waltz (Church Family)
Megan Pratz (Betty Lang’s Friend)
Patty Cioce (Betty Lang’s Friend)
Carla Wagner (Betty Lang’s Family)
Tom McNamara (Audrey Kinka’s Family)
Beth & Bill Knapp (Betty Lang’s Family)
Bill Kanass (Betty Lang's Family)
Ed Borse (Betty Lang’s Friend)
James Kershaw (Audrey Kinka’s Friend)
Kali Poe (Betty Lang's Family)
Linda Dressic (Carol Detweiler's Family)
Suzie Clark (Rose Lang's Friend)
Evy (Betty Lang's Friend)
Amelia Skyrm (Audrey Kinka's Family)
Cindy Irana (Betty Lang’s Friend)
Ed Watson (Betty Lang's Friend)

     Francis Clock (Dianna DeNote’s Family)
Andrew Hudak (Rose Lang’s Friend)
Fred Lang (Betty Lang’s Family)
Viena Murtha (Bob Fritsch’s Friend)
Christine Schneider (Audrey Kinka’s Family)
Jackie Churchman (Audrey Kinka’s Family)
Sharon Waicus (Skip & Bonnie Millard's Friend)
Karen O'Brien (Paul Bowker's Friend)
Dustin Irizzary (Mary Melnicoff's Family)
Linda Smith (Rose Lang's Friend)
Joan Brown (Betty Lang's Friend)
Donna Bradley (Betty Lang's Friend)
Theresa Marioti (Betty Lang's Friend)
The Bryan Family (Wanda Bryan's Family)
Ernie Kinzler (Marie Hand & Doreen Kinzler’s Family)
Craig Brearey (Judy Brannan & Mary Melnicoff's Friend)
Sarah Dutton (Frank & Sharon Ford's Family)
Christina McNasby (Fran Green’s Family)
The Kinkson Family (Judy Brannan's Friends)
Mark Stephen Dennis (Diana DeNote's Family)
Cathy Snyder (Audrey Kinka's Family)
Dellie Valcourt (Skip & Bonnie Millard's Family)
Joyce (Betty Lang's Family)
Hannah (Betty Lang's Family)
Donna Lee (Betty Lang's Friend)
Bill Lodge (Skip & Bonnie Millard's Friend)
Patrick & Denise Brannan (Judy Brannan's Family)

Joseph Sheretta (Fran Green's Friend)
Ernie Rink (Fran Green's Friend)
Ron Anderson (Bill Kelly's Friend)
Evalice De La Cruz (Vince Piekarski's Friend)
Jerry P (Wanda Bryan's Friend)
Pat Labrae (Kathy Poehler's Friend)
Bud Brearey (Judy Brannan & Mary Melnicoff's Friend)
Mary Skain (Kathy Poehler's Friend)
Jorge Martin (Kathy Poehler's Family)
Bill Rand (Wayne & Eleanor Rand's Family)
Thomas Mieluchowski (Philomena Noak's Family)

​Harold Snell (Fran Green's Friend)
Frances Woolbert (Heather Piekarski's Friend)
Kevin Naylor (Vicki Rinier's Friend)
Robert Chaplin (Mary Melnicoff's Friend)
Joseph C (Mary Melnicoff's Friend)

​Marie Hand (Church Member)

​Eric Dishman (Church Family)
Frank Ford (Church Member)

​Nicole Kinzler (Doreen Kinzler & Marie Hand’s Family)

​Jack Wieckouski (Theresa & Kim McGinley's Family)​

​Colleen Sherno (Del McKenna's Family)

​Diane Weiss (Kathy Poehler's Friend)

​Efrain Rodriguez (Heather Piekarski’s Friend)

Reverend Maria Brooks and her Congregation, True Deliverance Praise & Worship Center, continue to utilize our

facilities from 1-4PM on Sundays. Their congregation helps us with the Food Pantry and hosts or assists with various

other events throughout the year at the Church. True Deliverance Praise & Worship Center also hosts a Prayer Line

you can join on their Conference Call # 1-657-390-7957 on Mondays, Thursdays, & Fridays at 5PM.

​​​The most important thing we do each week is gather together as God's people to Worship. God is the center and focus of everything we do. Participating in worship is active. Liturgy means the work and actions of the people gathered. Everything we do during the week to prepare for worship, and everything we do as we assist in leading worship, is important. Worship Leaders, Worship Assistants, Conference Call and the Computer, Readers, Greeters and Ushers, Communion Assistants, Home Communion Ministers, Altar Guild, Choir and The Music Team help make worship a meaningful experience. We are thankful for all the wonderful work being done. If you are interested in any position, let Vince know so a training can be set-up.

​​​​​​The Prayer Shawl Ministry started because there are so many people in need of prayer, & we would like to do more than simply praying. The ministry's message of caring is simple, universal, & enduring. The shawl provides something to hold as tangible evidence of our care & concern, as well as God's love. As each person knits stories are shared about the person for whom the shawl is made. Prayers are said as the shawls are being worked. During various times throughout the year at church services we ask for God's blessing on these prayer shawls. The ministry is open to anyone interested in joining. Sharing stitches & patterns are welcome, as well as beginners. Shawls are collected year-round, as long as dedicated people continue to make them. The success & blessing this ministry has provided since its inception is truly wonderful.

The group continues to work in their individual homes, & there are no more meetings at this time.

There are always more prayer shawls, scarves, & lap quilts to give out or take for yourself or someone else.

There is lots of yarn to be turned into more as well. New shawls can be brought into the church office at any time.​​​

1220 Bayshore Road​, Villas, NJ 08251​
Church Office-Thursdays-6PM to 8PM
​Bible Study & Faith Discussions-Tuesdays-6PM
Food Pantry-Every Thursday & Last Saturday of the Month-10AM to 1PM
Sunday School-Here We Stand Confirmation Classes-Sundays-9AM to 10AM
Worship Service-In-Person & Conference Call-Sundays-10:30A​M​​​​​​​​​​​

​​The Food Pantry is open every Thursday, & the last Saturday of every month from 10AM-1PM.

Please be respectful of the additional safety measures put in place.
Photo ID & proof of residency are required. The Food Pantry serves residents in emergency need in
Lower Township. 
We were blessed to serve 78 people in September, & 853 people so far in 2024.

Bags are packed with various items listed below in order to help those in need. All food donations can be placed

in the basket in the Narthex. Your spare change can be left in the jug in the back of the church. Financial

donations can be sent in to the church office or placed in the Sunday collection. N. Cape May Acme, other

local community businesses, & various people throughout the community & church continue to keep our pantry

stocked. We want to say a special thank you to everyone for all of your continued support & prayers!  

Items can be purchased to help fill the Food Pantry are peanut butter, jelly, canned beef stew, canned chili, canned ravioli,

boxed or bagged pasta noodles, pasta sauce, mac & cheese, canned baked beans or pinto beans, boxed cold cereals,

beef or chicken ramen noodles, canned corn, canned green beans, canned carrots, canned fruit, canned soups,

canned chicken, canned tuna, canned or boxed potatoes, individual packets of saltines or crackers, & shelf stable milk.